Thursday, May 14, 2015

Celebrities Portraying the Goat of Baphomet

The first celebrity that I'm going to expose is Lady Gaga. It actually scares me how much Lady Gaga is brainwashed. She is all about the baphomet its very sad.

The Next Celebrity Im going to expose is Beyonce.....Stay tuned. 

Symbology: The Satanic Star and the Goat of Baphomet

 The first symbol that I would like to shed some light on is the Satanic Star. This is the symbol for the Church of Satan. Also known as the inverted 5 pointed star, this symbol is used in paganism, witchcraft, freemasonry and Gnosticism. It represents to pagans the 4 elements of the material universe, plus spirit, and also man, representing the 4 limbs and head. So it is used in honor and worship of nature and man. In Satanism this symbol is inverted upside down to represent the rebellion or subversion of man and is known as the “sigil of baphomet”. It then has two points facing up, instead of one, which then also represents the goat demon, baphomet, azazel, Satan. For hundreds of years occultists have identified the symbol in this way and drawn images of the horned goat Satan within the inverted pentagram, with the two horns in the upper triangles, the ears within the horizontals, and the goatee beard within the downward pointing triangle. You may also see this symbol portrayed like this:

That brings me to the next symbol, which as mentioned above is directly related to inverted pentagram, its known as the Goat of Baphomet. 

Baphomet, the symbol of the satanic goat, usually portrayed as a half human, half goat figure, or a goat head is used by Satanists who worship the devil. In the middle ages the Baphomet was believed to be an idol, represented by a human skull, a stuffed humans head or a metal or wooden human head with curly black hair. The idol was said to be worshipped by the Order of Knights Templar as the source of fertility and wealth. In 1307 King Phillip IV of France accused the Order of the Knights Templar of heresy, homosexuality and among other things, worshipping this idol and anointing it with the fat of murdered children. However, only 12 of the 231 knights interrogated by the church admitted worshipping or having knowledge of the Baphomet. Novices said they had been instructed to worship the idol as their god and savior, and their descriptions of it varied: it had up to three heards and up to four feet; it was made of either wood or metal, or was a painting, sometimes it was a gift.

The Church of Satan, founded in 1966 in San Francisco, adopted another rendition of baphomet to symbolize Satanism. The symbol is a goats head drawn within an inverted pentacle, enclosed in a outer circle, Hebraic figures at each point in the pentagram spell ot leviathan, a huge water serpent associated with the devil. In Church of Satan rituals, the sigil of Baphomet is hung on the wall behind the alter. The Baphomet may also be worn as a medallion.

Illuminati: New World Order?

I found an article on the Illuminati agenda website that I think is a really great intro into what I'm about to talk about. Here it is:

"Once a person learns about illuminati for the first time it may well seem somewhat extreme and maybe even unlikely which is completely understandable – nearly everyone who is exposed to this for the first time automatically has these feelings of doubt and disbelief, it is merely a protective mechanism you subconsciously create because your whole take on reality and the way you believed existence to be is being challenged. However, once you begin to really open your eyes and ears it then becomes extremely obvious, more and more every day, how it is in fact true and has always been the case throughout history. We have to understand that we have all been lied to and manipulated from the second we were born and so it’s very hard to suddenly cast off all of these pre -programmed beliefs and begin to accept a new way of looking at reality, yet it is absolutely critical that we do because the illuminati and those in control today rely completely on our ignorance and blind obedience in order to ensure their survival. It is in their best interests to keep us permanently misled and distracted because if we do begin to “wake up” and see what is really happening in our lives and the world around us, we pose a distinct threat to their agenda and existence.

The term illuminati literally means enlightened or illuminated ones. Members of illuminati believe that they blessed with advanced knowledge and higher knowing that gives them the right to rule over and govern the rest of the population. To them, the rest of the world is un-deserving and incapable of dealing with that advanced knowledge. The illuminati consist primarily of super-rich and powerful individuals and families from finance and banking but also includes monarchs, high profile business people, religious leaders, high-ranking politicians and yes believe it or not celebrities in Hollywood. The illuminati have always believed in, and today, still practice occult ceremonies and esoteric ritualism which links to their perceived ‘knowledge’ and is also the reason why they utilize so much symbolism which pays worship to their ritualistic idols, allows them to subconsciously suggest and manipulate the people of the world and also allows them to communicate who is in control of and orchestrating what, to other members around the world who understand what the symbology actually means. Members of illuminati worship idols as opposed to worshiping God, Jesus Christ and fulfilling His will. Satan wants people to worship the things of this world instead of worshipping the Savior.Remember Illuminati is all about symbols and signs.

Before I start to brainstorm on ways to spread the awareness of consumer enslavement I'm going to share with you all some of the ways the enemy is trying to attack and deceive us. In order to do that I need to do a complete breakdown of some of the symbols you should be familiar with in order to fully understand.  Remember Illuminati is all about Symbols.

What is Consumer Enslavement Awareness?

What is Consumer Enslavement Awareness?

Well we the people are consumers, and we are being enslaved by different corporations and institutions under the works of the enemy trying to brainwash us through media, music, clothes, television and other various products and services. We have to open up our eyes and wake up because we are living in the last evil days and we need to realize that we have been lied to and deceived. I’m sure if your reading this you are one of many that have watched videos on YouTube about the "illuminati, the New World Order" and various celebrities representing Satanism in Hollywood. Well I'm one of several other people who have felt that it is their calling to warn people and bring awareness of what is going on in the world right now. So if you are interested in joining me on a journey of research and spiritual knowledge to help spread awareness as well as the gospel of Jesus Christ, then feel free to read my blog and share comments and ideas. The Awareness of the enemy's tactics will help to start a movement of saving souls and reforming our lost generation. God's children shall be lead to the path of righteousness once they seek Him as he is the Truth, the Way and the Light to those in the dark, and cant see because they are blinded. "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." -2 Corinthians 6:17